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2002-2003 Season

Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451
OCt 24-Nov 26
Written by Ray Bradbury
Directed by Charles Rome Smith
"Under the captivating direction of Charles Rome Smith, the entire cast of 17 turns out compelling performances, and all of the production values here are stellar." - Tolucan Times

About the Show

Written by Ray Bradbury
Directed by Charles Rome Smith

Ray Bradbury's best-selling science fiction masterpiece about a future without books takes on a chillingly realistic dimension in this theatrical adaptation, written by the legendary author himself. Montag (D.B. Sweeney), a regimented fireman in charge of burning the forbidden volumes, befriends a young girl and her grandfather who dare to read. Suddenly he finds himself a hunted fugitive, forced to choose between his personal safety and intellectual freedom. Utilizing special effects, large screen projections and a cast of 17, the drama comes vividly to life.
